About Us
We know what to do
There are many avenues for positive change in a small business. However, not all opportunities hold equal promise for Owner/Operators. We bring academic rigour to the decision-making process and ensure our clients are choosing their battles wisely.
We know what to expect
No matter what avenues of change you pursue, you will face resistance from your staff. Some may be justified, but, most will simply be because change is uncomfortable.
All humans make more rational decisions when they’re thinking in future terms but behave irrationally (emotionally) in present terms. Often in contradiction to previously well-laid plans.
We know how to prepare you and your people at the beginning to minimize unproductive resistance down the road.
Who We Are
Our Team
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Our Thoughts
We don’t subscribe to the status quo.
We don’t settle for small ideas.
We don’t take the easy road.
We value courage, creativity and constructive conflict and write about ideas produced in the process.
We explore fresh perspectives
Our Insights
We don’t subscribe to the status quo.
We don’t settle for small ideas.
We don’t take the easy road.
We value courage, creativity and constructive conflict and we like to write about the ideas that are produced in the process.
How we help Canadian Manufacturers de-risk revenue to increase enterprise value.
27 January 2025The process is smoother and you get results sooner when you expect change to suck.
27 January 2025Ask these two simple questions to avoid wasting time, money and emotional energy.
15 January 2025The 8 Key Drivers of Company Value
13 January 2025